The event was attended by forty-six (46) participants. The program of event include; Community dialogue on Environmental Pollution, Environmental sustainability awareness, Climate Change and Environmental Human Rights as a key note address delivered by the Community Development Chairman (CDC) who also doubles as the youth head/leader, a welcome address was delivered by the ED Prime Initiative for Green Development, Opening Speech by the Program Officer, goodwill message was delivered by the Strategic Information Officer.
- To educate and communicate the community members on the effect of climate change
- To educate the community members on the effect of black Soot in their environment
- To dialogue and identify the sources of black soot
- Enhance Community participation in preservation of the environment.
- To advocate to the community leader on the new sustainable development goal (SDG)
Group Discussion
Key Achievements
Participants have more understanding about Impact of black soot on their health
Participants were able to identify the causes of Air pollution
Participants were informed about the series of activities that will promote Eco friendly environment.
Lesson Learnt
Some of the participants were confident in sharing their personal life experiences as it relates to black soot and its effects on their health.